Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying
Jun 13, 2008
FP082: “We’ll Meet Again Some Sunny Day…"
What a better choice for Friday the 13th than Stanley Kubrick acidic comedy about the destruction of our world via Nuclear Holocaust?...

Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
Jun 6, 2008
FP081: “Snakes—why’d it have to be snakes?"
The first and best-often imitated, never equalled—even by its creators! Join us as we reminisce about one of THE summer movies! IMDb entry

Citizen Kane (1941)
May 23, 2008
FP080: “Rosebud...”
Orson Welles—twenty-five years old—comes to Hollywood and makes this film. Amazing. IMDb entry

The Right Stuff (1983)
May 16, 2008
FP079: “No Bucks, No Buck Rogers!"
Philip Kaufman’s EPIC filming of Tom Wolfe’s book about the Mercury Space Program is not only a PERFECT MOVIE, but arguably one of the...

Metropolis (1926)
May 9, 2008
FP078: The Heart Must Be The Mediator
From that fateful day in 1975, when Film Guy Geo. Willeman got his Super 8mm print of Metropolis, it was a given that this film would be...

Elvis: That’s The Way It Is (1971)
May 2, 2008
FP077: “Thangyuverrahmuch…"
Denis Sanders created the perfect Elvis Time Capsule with his 1970 film Elvis: That’s The Way It Is. Elvis fan or no, one cannot deny the...

The Exterminating Angel (1961)
Apr 25, 2008
FP076: ¡El Ángel Exterminador!
After returning from exile to his native Spain, director Luis Buñuel made one his greatest and most controversial films—Viridiana. After...

Raging Bull (1980)
Apr 18, 2008
FP075: “Come on, hit me. Harder. Harder.”
Harsh—gritty—dark—and that’s just the opening credits!! Martin Scorsese’s unflinching portrait of boxer Jake LaMotta won the “Best...