Gattaca (1997)
Apr 11, 2008
GUANINE—ADENINE—THYMINE—CYTOSINE. The four amino acids that make up deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA, the stuff that we are made of, to...

The World’s Fastest Indian (2005)
Apr 4, 2008
FP073: “Offerings to the Gods of Speed"
Roger Donaldson’s unfairly overlooked gem is, in our minds, one of the finest stories of the power of the human spirit EVER. Anthony...

North by Northwest (1959)
Mar 28, 2008
FP072: “You gentlemen aren’t REALLY trying to kill my son, are you?"
Alfred Hitchcock, Ernest Lehman, Bernard Hermann, and Cary Grant—what a glorious quartet! Hitchcock winds up the 1950’s with one of his...

The Lady from Shanghai (1947)
Mar 14, 2008
FP071: “Oh, Lover...”
Orson & the soon-to-be-ex Mrs. Orson Welles on a cruise of total weirdness. A crazy amalgam of style and mystery and the strangely blonde...

Sound Cues, No. 4
Mar 7, 2008
FP070: Bloop Marks*
Once again, The Film Guys take to the phones to answer questions about love, life, and movies. The day this show was recorded, the...

Storyboards by J. Todd Anderson
Feb 29, 2008
FP069: The Art of Pre-Visualization
It was as inevitable as night—in the wake of the Coen Bros. Academy Award triumph with No Country For Old Men, J. Todd Anderson gets his...

The French Connection (1971)
Feb 22, 2008
FP068: “Do You Pick Your Feet in Poughkeepsie?!”
One of New York’s finest cities gets its big moment with the above line of dialogue, snarled at a perp by the out-of-control “Popeye”...

Zardoz (1974)
Feb 15, 2008
FP067: Guilty Pleasures No. 2
It's been way too long since we rummaged around the back of our several cinematic closets to bring to you some films we love, but will...