Featuring our special guest, bass guitarist Leland Sklar!
Just mention the title To Kill A Mockingbird, and most people will get a faraway look in their eyes and just sigh, for Harper Lee’s semi-autobiographical paean to childhood strikes a chord in the heart of those who have read the Pulitzer Prize winning novel or seen Robert Mulligan’s award-winning movie, a “studio film with indie sensibilities.” Telling people that this is a Perfect Movie is like telling them that “the sky is blue.” From the script to the casting, from cinematography to set design, from the opening credits to Elmer Bernstein’s evocative score, this is, arguably a truly perfect movie. And this week, we had extra back-up as the magnificent and magnanimous Lee Sklar joined us to add his own commentary and anecdotes. A big thank you to Lee for taking the extra time from his very busy day to discuss To Kill A Mockingbird with “The Film Guys!”